welcomes Smith & Hawken online customers!

We understand that Smith and Hawken have closed their online operations (while still keeping the retail stores open). Smith and Hawken were a good brand for many years.

While we cannot offer the wide variety of products that they offered, we do carry great teak outdoor furniture, and will be happy to assist with your teak patio furniture needs. Goldenteak has been in the Teak Furniture business since 1996. Our focus has been high quality premium teak garden furniture, offered at excellent prices.

We are direct importers of the Goldenteakâ„¢ brand products and also carry a few items from Kingsley Bate. We will try and find some products that work for you form within our extensive collection.

As an incentive to try us out, please let us offer you a $100 discount on your first order over $1200. This is not in addition to any promotions we have currently going on, but for items that may not be on a promotion. Use coupon S&H at checkout to get your $100 discount at checkout.

You will be pleased with our quality and service.

If you have a question - please call us at 978 689 4041, or write us at


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